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Suffield Park Bowls Club - founded 1935

Moments in the history of the Club...

10th May 1947 - North Norfolk News


The opening of the Suffield Park Bowling Club's newly-turfed green on Saturday will go down as a red letter day in the annals of the Club for it marked the first stage of the Cromer U.D.C.s plans for the development of the Fearn's Field.


The green was thronged by players and spectators who watched the opening ceremony performed by the Hon. Lettice Harbord, deputising for the Chairman of the Cromer U.D.C., who cast the first "wood". (she was congratulated at Monday night's meeting of the Cromer U.D.C. for the skilled way in which she cast the "wood," though she confessed that it was the first time ever!).


The President of the Club (Mr. H.F. Rust) presided.

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Dowager Lady Evelyn  Suffield_edited_edi

Expressing thanks, Mr. Russell Reeve, secretary, recalled a similar opening 12 years ago, performed by the Dowager Lady Suffield. It was fitting, he said, that her daughter, the Hon. Lettice Harbord, should have performed the same ceremony that day.


The thanks of the Club, he continued, were due to the Council's greenkeepers, Messrs. F. Thurston and S. Allen, for the splendid work they had accomplished during the very difficult winter.


Following the opening, a team consisting of Cromer Councillors and Council Employees played the Suffield Park Club.


Teams were:- Council: Messrs H.F. Rust, J. Haigh, R. Graveling, A. Riches, A. Mayes, W. Easton, D. Laycock, H. Tansley, F. Thurston, Moss, Horstead and Geary. Suffield Park: Messrs. Jordan, Hannant, Gay, Burgess, Eyes, Ball, Laycock, Davison, Reynolds, Pond, Vincent and Bumfrey.

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Tuesday, 6th May, 1975 - North Norfolk News


This photograph was taken on the occasion of a match against Cromer Town Council when the first wood was cast by the Hon. Lettice Harbord (front row, right) to mark the opening of the Club's 40th season. Others in the front row are (left to right) Mr. Tom Bolton, chairman of Cromer Town Council, Mr. H. Watson Vince, secretary of the men's section and Mrs. R. Smith, president of the women's section. Among those in the second row are Mr. H. New and Mr. R.W. Graveling (founder members of the Club), Mr. P. Sage, secretary of the North Norfolk District Council and Mr. S.H. Hall, chairman of the Club.

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